Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your posterior thigh! You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region.
FEEL: This should feel like a massage and soft tissue work along the base of your foot.
COMPENSATION: Follow along with the video for tips and other instructions.
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your calves! You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region.
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out the front part of your thigh! You want to avoid any bony landmarks like your actual hip bone and knee. Essentially roll the entire area between those bones. You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region.
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your TFL, IT band, and lateral thigh muscles! You want to avoid any bony landmarks your hip bone and knee bone. Essentially roll the entire area between those bones. You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region.
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out the muscles in your hips! You want to avoid any bony landmarks like your sitbones. Everywhere else on your hips you are welcome to roll as long as you want! You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region.
FEEL: You should feel a stretch in your ankle. You should also feel your lower leg muscles working.
COMPENSATION: Keep the knee straight, don’t bend it.
FEEL: You should feel a stretch in your calf and even into your Achilles’ tendon.
COMPENSATION: Make sure the heel lifts off of the ground, but not too much where you don’t feel a stretch in your calf.
FEEL: You should feel a stretch in each hip as you lean forward.
COMPENSATION: Keep your back straight, don’t hunch forwards as you lean into each stretch.
FEEL: You should feel a butt and groin stretch on the foot that you take a step forward with as well as a hip flexor and groin stretch on the back leg.
COMPENSATION: Do not excessively round your upper back, try to keep your chest up and head looking forward. Watch the video for other tips and details.