FEEL: You will feel a stretch on the inside of your thigh and your groin on the leg that is kicked out.
COMPENSATION: Take your time with this exercise and try to keep a relatively flat back. Do not excessively arch or bend your back. Do not move your leg
FEEL: This should feel like a full-body exercise. Your shoulder and shoulder blade muscles will be working as well as your hip, back, and stomach muscles. You will feel both sides of your hip muscles working, especially your right hip and core muscles working if you’re laying on your right side. Follow the video for other cues and tips.
COMPENSATION: Do not let your hips or shoulder sag
FEEL: You should feel your hip and glute muscles working.
COMPENSATION: Don’t let your knee cave in towards the leg that is facing out.
FEEL: You will feel the muscles behind your thigh, knee, hip, and butt muscles working hard with this exercise. You may also feel your core and back muscles working too, but do not compensate and overuse your back muscles.
COMPENSATION: Limit excessive arching of your back, keep your hips level with the ground. Do not let your hips drop very fast during the eccentric curl out as your legs straighten
FEEL: You should feel your lower body and chest muscles working.
COMPENSATION: Press the kettlebell straight out from your chest, not overhead.
FEEL: The leg that you are lunging on will be working, from the calves up to the thigh and hips. Most feel a burn in the quad and glute muscles here. You may feel a stretch in the groin on the hip of the leg that is straight.
COMPENSATION: Avoid landing very stiff on the leg that is lunging, you want to absorb shock with the muscle by landing softly. Avoid allowing the knee to go very far forward past your toes, let your hip bend as well with this exercise. Also, avoid your knee caving inward, make sure to keep your ankle, knee, and hip in alignment.
FEEL: You should feel your calves getting a workout, but also your glutes and quads to maintain the bent knee position.
COMPENSATION: Make sure to keep your knees bent. Do not lift your hips and let them rise up or fall down. Only our knees should be moving up and down as your raise/lower your heels. Do not shift your weight side to side. Make sure you go through your full range of motion at your ankle. This is not a balance exercise, so hold onto something to help with balance as the goal of this exercise is to strengthen your calves!
FEEL: This should feel like a lower body workout and may get your heart rate up. Your quads and glutes will be burning with this exercise.
COMPENSATION: Do not lose the bottom of your squat, only pulse up and down a small amount. All of the same rules apply with your general squat form, good alignment and quality over speed!
FEEL: You will feel your glutes and quads working to lift the leg as well as the rest of your body and core muscles working to maintain the forearm plank position.
COMPENSATION: Do not arch your back to drive the leg lift. Focus on lifting each leg while keeping the knee straight and the rest of your body still in the forearm plank position