Happy for you to do more Upper Body exercises as the trainer at your gym feels fit but stick to these one for your legs for now. Main things to remember are do not go past 90 degrees into flexion (not past hip height with knee) and don't cross the mid-line (crossed legs, steps, etc.)
FEEL: You should feel the muscles in your thigh working.
COMPENSATION: Don’t twist your body as you squat down on the one leg.
FEEL: You should feel the muscles in your thigh working.
COMPENSATION: Don’t twist your body as you squat down on the one leg.
FEEL: You should feel your hip muscles working.
COMPENSATION: Don’t go too fast, slow and controlled.
FEEL: You should feel the muscles in your hips and glutes working.
COMPENSATION: Keep your weight centered. Don’t squat too far forward or backward. Don’t slouch your back as you squat. Keep the tension in the band as you hold the squat position.
FEEL: Keep your core and glutes squeezed as hard as you can to maintain your balance and to keep your pelvis level.
COMPENSATION: Do not let your hips/pelvis drop. Image a straight line across your hips or think about your pelvis being a glass and don’t spill it!
FEEL: You will feel the muscles in the back of the legs work with this exercise. As you hinge over you will feel a pull in the hamstrings, the back upper thigh muscles.
COMPENSATION: Avoid rounding the back as you lean your torso forward. Movement should primarily be at the hips. Don’t allow the knees to go forward past your toes with this exercise. Maintain the 3 points of contact during this exercise, (tail bone, mid-back, and back of the head). Keep your balance
FEEL: You should feel the back of the lower leg. Feel more tension at the top position and more stretch at the bottom. Can also feel work in the toes and feet.
COMPENSATION: Do not let the knees bend. Do not let the legs rotate in or out.
FEEL: If the feet come down towards the bottom of the plate, this will be a more knee and quadriceps dominant feeling. If the feet come towards the top of the plate, this will be a more hip and gluteal dominant feeling.
COMPENSATION: Do not let the legs rotate in or out. Do not lock out the knees at the end of the press motion.
HOW: Begin laying on your back with the barbell racked above you with the appropriate amount of weight. As you lay down, your eyes should be directly under the barbell. From here, be sure your feet are flat on the ground, squeeze your shoulder blades together, keep your core engaged, and grab the bar with hands about shoulder-width apart. Bring the barbell over your chest and slowly lower the weight down towards nipple level allowing the elbows to drop down towards the ground. Push the barbell back up to the starting position and perform for the prescribed amount of reps.
FEEL: You should feel your chest and core muscles working as you perform this exercise.
COMPENSATION: Keep your core engaged and feet pressed into the ground. A slight arch in the back is okay but do not overextend with a focus on keeping your core muscles engaged.
FEEL: You should feel your triceps, deltoids, and shoulder blade muscles working. You will also feel your core and lower body working to maintain position and generate power with the push press.
COMPENSATION: Do not arch your back, do not shrug your shoulders.
FEEL: You should feel your core and shoulder muscles working to maintain optimal position and form. If too easy you can walk further away from the anchor, if too difficult move closer towards the anchor.
COMPENSATION: Do not let the band rotate your upper body, keep your arms straight and hips facing forward.
FEEL: This should feel like a shoulder blade workout along with challenging your arms and the rest of your body to maintain optimal high plank position.
COMPENSATION: Do not let your elbows bend, do not lose optimal high plank position, slowly control the movement with your shoulder blades.