FEEL: With the leg kicking out you will feel the muscles on the back of the hip working, with the arm that is punching out you will feel the muscles on top of the shoulder and back of the shoulder blade working.
COMPENSATION: Avoid rotating the trunk, arching the back as you raise your leg, or shrugging the shoulder as you raise the arm.
FEEL: With the leg kicking out you will feel the muscles on the back of the hip working, with the arm that is punching out you will feel the muscles on top of the shoulder and back of the shoulder blade working. You should feel the mid back muscles working as you row up.
COMPENSATION: Avoid rotating the trunk, arching the back as you raise your leg and row up. Don’t shrug the shoulder as you raise the arm.
FEEL: This will feel like a full-body workout. Your upper body will be working to support your torso and drag the weight/object. Your core and lower body will be working to maintain a high plank position.
FEEL: You will feel your shoulder, hip, and core working – specifically the side facing the floor.
COMPENSATION: Avoid allowing your shoulder blade to sag back. Avoid allowing your hips to dip towards the floor when holding at the top. If having difficulty performing this exercises, perform up against a wall to ensure that your body is in line.