Single Leg Soleus Raise – Leg Press Machine

  • HOW: Sitting in the leg press machine, move the seat back as far as possible. Ideally you want to start with as much  knee straightening as possible. Place one foot on the plate so that only the base of your foot is on the plate, the rest of the foot is off. Toes are facing up towards the ceiling. Use the arms to stabilize the upper body and core. Press the machine away just a bit so that you can bend your knee. Keep the knee bent and begin to point and flex back and forth with the ankles. Repeat for the prescribed repetitions. 
  • FEEL: You should feel work deep in the back side of the lower leg. Feel more tension at the top position and more stretch at the bottom. Can also feel work in the toes and feet. 
  • COMPENSATION: Do not let the knee straighten. Do not let the legs rotate in or out.

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