Furthermore, for those sports that rely more heavily on one plane of motion than others [think all your rotational sports like tennis, baseball, etc.], it's important to focus even MORE time on the transverse plane. And for those sports that are trained primarily in one plane [i.e. basketball for vertical jump height and power development], you CANNOT neglect training in the other planes. You'd be surprised how "strong" a basketball athlete may be in the sagittal plane in terms of power development, strength, and even movement control, but the moment you task them with a frontal or transverse plane movement, they melt like Jell-O and their lower extremity alignment becomes horrendous. In our opinion, there is a HUGE lack of training tri-planar movement, as so much of a S&C focused program for top athletes is on developing sagittal plane power and strength [squats, deadlifts, cleans, snatches etc]. This is one of many causes of the high prevalence of non-contact ACL injuries today in the world of sports.
Of course, this deceleration program doesn't begin until you've deemed the athlete has the required STRENGTH to even control these positions. Without proper strength, you're skipping a HUGE step and putting your athletes at risk for injury by jumping straight into plyometric training. Furthermore, you have to TEACH your athlete how to move properly prior as well.
When it comes to the actual progression of deceleration training itself, there are TONS of different ways to do this. Ultimately, I believe you should start in double leg positions first, then transition into single leg positions. When it comes to planes of motion, the same rule as above applies: sagittal, frontal, then transverse. Only when control of all 3 planes is achieved, should you incorporate change of direction drills. I've included a few plyometric/cutting drills at the end of the video just for ideas. Again, not a black and white science here, just ideas for progressions!
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