The Single Leg Balance Assessment is a reliable tool developed and used to evaluate balance. Please watch the video to get a visual demonstration of how to perform the test and what to be mindful of. Below you will find a description of how to do so.
Get set up standing barefoot on a firm surface in the corner of a room or near a wall or sturdy object in case you lose your balance. Begin the test by balancing on one leg with the other leg lifted in the air. You can cross your arms across your chest or place your hands on your hips. Focus on maintaining good foot/arch position, a level pelvis, and good trunk position. Your score is the best time from 3 trials that you could maintain your balance. Take a break and perform on the other side, record your scores.
Some rules to remember with this assessment. Your test time ends when you can no longer maintain your balance. Ideally, you're balancing with good form as well, so end the test if your balance is all over the place. Be sure to reference the entire video again before performing this assessment again on both sides to improve your performance.
Prehab Goals & Normative Values:
Age 18-39 = 44 seconds
Age 40-49 = 41 seconds
Age 50-59 = 41 seconds
Age 60-69 = 32 seconds
Age 70-79 = 21 seconds
Age 80-99 = 9 seconds
Prehab Goal: 60 seconds for al age groups
Springer BA, Marin R, Cyhan T, Roberts H, Gill NW. "Normative values for the unipedal stance test with eyes open and closed." J Geriatr Phys Ther 2007;30(1):8–15.
Take the assessment, write down your score, and track your progress throughout the program.
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