Single Knee To Chest
1 Sets, 10 Reps, 3 X week
Tabletop Segmental Roll Up
1 Sets, 10 Reps, 3 X week
Lower Trunk Rotation
1 Sets, 10 Reps, 3 X week
Bent Over Cat Cow
1 Sets, 10 Reps, 3 X week
Adductor Rock Back
1 Sets, 10 Reps, 3 X week
Standing Multi-Segmental Flexion
1 Sets, 10 Reps, 3 X week


Single Knee To Chest
1 Sets
10 Reps
3 X week
HOW: Begin by lying face up with your arms wrapped around your leg. You can begin with your arms behind your thigh or around your shin. Next, pull your knee into your chest as far as you feel comfortable. Work around an angle that feels good for you, you can bring your leg further out if more comfortable. Placing your hands around your shin will allow for a deeper stretch.


FEEL: You should feel a stretch in the back of your hip with this exercise. You may feel a bit of a stretch into your low back as well. 


COMPENSATION:  Keep your back flat and neck relaxed while holding your knee up to your chest.
Tabletop Segmental Roll Up
1 Sets
10 Reps
3 X week
HOW: Lie on your back and bring your knees up with your lower legs pointing straight out. Start from the neck and slowly lift your upper back off of the ground until you feel your upper abs engaged. Think of curling up, one vertebrae at a time, and peeling it off the ground. Once you reach as high as you can go, repeat the process in the opposite direction, one vertebrae at a time.


FEEL: You should feel your core working during this exercise.  Particularly, your upper abdominals will work the most. 


COMPENSATION:  Don’t lift all at once! Remember to “roll” up.  Keep your knees up and feet out as you roll up.
Lower Trunk Rotation
1 Sets
10 Reps
3 X week
HOW: Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Bring your knees and feet together and your arms out to the side on the ground. Gently let your knees fall from one side to the other.  As your knees go out further you can let your hips come up.  Make sure this is a pain free range of motion. 


FEEL: You should feel a stretch in your low back and hip.


COMPENSATION: Don’t let your shoulder blades come off of the ground, keep your upper back and arms on the ground. Keep your knees together as you rotate from side to side.
Bent Over Cat Cow
1 Sets
10 Reps
3 X week
HOW: Start with your hips against the wall. Make sure your feet are about shoulder width apart. Bend over and place your elbows on your knees. Starting with your back flat, arch it downwards, then curve it upwards in a controlled, slow motion. Imagine making the shape of a cat arching its back, and then moving into the shape of a cow with a hump in the lower back. Make sure to breath out at the end range of each motion.


FEEL: You should feel a stretch to your whole back. It should feel good and relaxing!


COMPENSATION: Don’t bend too far forward, start out with a flat back. Don’t go too fast when arching your back in each direction.
Adductor Rock Back
1 Sets
10 Reps
3 X week
HOW: Get set-up on your hands and knees, on the side you want to perform the stretch kick your leg out to the side with the knee straight and foot lined up with your other knee. Find a neutral pelvic position with your low back relatively flat. While keeping this position, push yourself back with your hands and shift your butt backwards as far as you feel comfortable with. Return to starting position and repeat.


FEEL: You will feel a stretch on the inside of your thigh and your groin on the leg that is kicked out.


COMPENSATION: Take your time with this exercise and try to keep a relatively flat back. Do not excessively arch or bend your back. Do not move your leg
Standing Multi-Segmental Flexion
1 Sets
10 Reps
3 X week
HOW: Bring your feet all the way together in a standing position. Begin by touching your head chest, rounding your shoulder forward, placing your hands on your thighs, and slowly arching each part of your back while keeping your legs straight. Reach down down and hold that stretch for as long as prescribed. Reverse the motion and return to the starting position. 


FEEL: You should feel a stretch in your back and hamstrings. 


COMPENSATION: Make sure to curve your body forward one segment at a time. Don’t let your toes come off of the ground.