HOW: Start in a standing position with your feet together. Keep your knees as straight as you can as you bend over bringing your hands down to the ground. Once your fingertips start to touch the ground, walk your hands forward keeping your back flat and knees straight. Walk your hands out until you’re in the tall plank position with your body parallel to the ground and hands straight under your shoulders. Then, walk your hands back up to get into the starting position.
FEEL: You should feel a stretch in your leg muscles and low back, as well as your upper body muscles and your core working to walk your body in and out of this position
COMPENSATION: Keep your back flat and core engaged once you start to walk out with your hands. Try to keep your knees as straight as possible the whole time
FEEL: This should feel like a full body exercise. Your shoulder and shoulder blade muscles will be working as well as your hip, back, and stomach muscles. You will especially feel your right oblique muscles and right hip muscles working if you’re laying on your right side. Follow the video for other cues and tips.
COMPENSATION: Do not let your hips or shoulder sag, do not let your body rotate
FEEL: This is a hip dominant exercise. The leg that is in contact with the ground the entire time should feel like it is working the hardest. Your glutes should be getting tired and working hard with this exercise.
COMPENSATION: Keep your balance and do not let your upper body or pelvis move too much. Everything should be relatively still except for the leg that is working. Just tap the foot, think about not breaking an eggshell
FEEL: You will feel the muscles behind your thigh, knee, hip, and butt muscles working hard with this exercise. You may also feel your core, hip flexors, and back muscles working too.
COMPENSATION: Limit excessive arching or rounding of your back, keep your hips level with the ground. Do not let your hips drop or rotate.
FEEL: You will feel the muscles on the front of your thigh working with this exercise.
COMPENSATION: Avoid leaning your trunk forward. The more you lean into the band the easier it will be to keep your trunk upright.
FEEL: You should feel your front leg, primarily in your quadriceps and glutes, doing most of the work
COMPENSATION: Don’t let your knee cave-in or bow out, try to make the leg that is stepping doing most of the work. The back leg is just for balance.
FEEL: You should feel your thigh and calf muscles working.
COMPENSATION: Maintain the squat as you perform the heel raise. The heel raise should lift your whole body up.
FEEL: This should feel like a full lower body workout, specifically the leg you’re standing. You will also feel your core and trunk muscles working to maintain balance and optimal form.
COMPENSATION: Keep your pelvis level/parallel to the ground. Avoid leaning side-to-side too far with your upper body and trunk. Slowly lower down and return to starting position, don’t rush the movement. Try to keep your heel down on the ground.
FEEL: You should feel your inner thigh muscles on the top leg and core working.
COMPENSATION: Don’t let your hips drop, keep everything in line with each other.